How to Read .MSG or .EML E-Mails from Recursive Folders

PstViewer Pro product box illustration.
PstViewer Pro is an e-mail viewer for Microsoft Outlook e-mails that helps you get your work done fast. With PstViewer Pro, you have the option to read e-Mails (.msg or .eml files) from an individually selected Windows folder, or from recursive sub-folders. This trick also works with .pst and .ost e-Mails.
Here’s how it’s done.
In PstViewer Pro select the folder containing your e-Mail messages from the explorer tree.
Locate the “Read All Folders” icon in the Explorer Tree.


Screenshot of Pstviewer Pro showing location of the Read All Folders function.
How to read e-Mails stored in recursive Windows folders.

If the icon is highlighted, then PstViewer Pro will display all e-Mails in the folder as well as any sub-folders.   This is useful if you are trying to search or filter e-Mails that have been organized into multiple folders, such as by month or year.  Using this function you can load all of the e-Mails and work with them as a batch.

Download a free trial of PstViewer Pro and use it for 15 days. It opens multiple e-Mail file types including .msg, .eml, .ost and .pst files.

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