Author Archives: PstViewer Pro Support

About PstViewer Pro Support

PstViewer Pro email viewer is developed, sold and supported by Encryptomatic LLC. If you have any questions please reach out to us on the live chat system on this website or at

How does PstViewer Pro handle email attachments that cannot be converted to PDF?

Converting email file attachments to PDF

A visitor to our web page today asks:
“I was checking PstViewer Pro for converting email to pdf. I see we can export to PDF with email file attachments converted. Some emails have audio or video files as attachments. What happens when PstViewer Pro encounters files that can not be converted to PDF, like audios and videos?”

Thanks for your question!

If you are using PstViewer Pro to convert an email message to a PDF document, one of the options is to render file attachments within the PDF.

PstViewer Pro can render common file types to the PDF file. These include Word documents, Libre Office docs, text files, jpg or png images, and more.

When PstViewer Pro encounters a file that can’t be rendered as an image in the PDF, such as an audio or video file, it defaults to embedding the file within the PDF.

A file that has been embedded with the PDF can later be extracted from the PDF file. For example, using Adobe Reader, you could save an audio file outside of the PDF and listen to it.

Embedding such files within the PDF preserves their context, associating them clearly with the email and creating a more complete record of the original email.